New Headshots by Dana Patrick

I had the honor of shooting with the supremely talented Dana Patrick last weekend. So. Much. Magic. She really knows how to pick wardrobe, evoke performances and has an amazing make up and hair team as well 🙂

In other news, I reached a milestone this pilot season as I got to chemistry test for a TNT pilot. Although I didn’t book it, I’m thankful to have made it to that stage (a first for me!) and to have had the opportunity to work with the director and the other finalists 🙂

I’m finishing up my Animation voiceover class and am grateful to have learned so much from my awesome teacher Dino Andrade including visualization techniques, villainy, accents, improv, human sounds (running, jumping, sneezing, coughing, etc), personifying inanimate objects, placing the character in different parts of my body, and more. I’m really excited to start making my demo and focus on creating kid characters. I have had so much fun bringing little munchkins to life, and can do a spot on impression of Sally Brown!

Journey to the East Premiere

Working on the pilot Journey to the East (a US/China co-production) was an incredible experience because of the amazing atmosphere the cast & crew created – there so much love and warmth on set. I felt free to make my character my own, and thoroughly enjoyed playing the dichotomous sweet teacher/strict disciplinarian (all those years of teaching Sunday School came in handy :P). Working on this project also gave me my first experience in an ADR loop group, and having just taken Voiceover 1 at Kalmenson & Kalmenson, it was cool to put all the principals and skills I learned into play. I’m incredibly excited to see where this pilot goes in both the states and in China and can’t wait to work with all these amazing people again.

Here are some photos from the screening on March 8th at The Garland in North Hollywood!

Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 10.08.23 AM

Thank you to everyone who came out to support!

Jeremy Small, best manager in town 🙂

My fellow voiceover actor Hershey Wingler and myself!

Aaron Soon, storyboard artist extraordinaire, and myself

My best friends <3 *IMG_0357
Becca, the talented creator and writer of this super cute show!

Taking flight through the northern lights

I am very proud to say that I have finished my first rhyming children’s book, titled Taking Flight Through The Northern Lights, and will begin submitting to publishers this year! My goal is to have it published by early next year 🙂

I challenge you to dedicate time each week to making your childhood dream come true!

In other news, I just finished a Voiceover 1 class and will be starting Animation 1 at Kalmenson & Kalmenson at the end of February. My favorite character that I’ve voiced so far is a bubbly, sweet can of whip cream! It is incredibly fun to bring inanimate objects to life and give them personalities of their own. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?

Weebly: the most easy to use, powerful CMS platform of 2016

Weebly is the most easy to use, powerful, and intuitive CMS platform I’ve ever used and it’s already taking 2016 by storm! With a new App center, beautiful original themes, and numerous free new features, Weebly is the CMS platform for non programmers everywhere.

It’s a time of new years resolutions … and new websites! Making a website about something you’re passionate about, providing value to online readers, and making money from it is the best feeling ever. I’m proud to say that I launched my violin website in 2015 and have helped countless parents, teachers and students make violin learning fun with the CMS platform Weebly. Having no coding experience wasn’t a problem because Weebly is intuitive, easy to use, and very powerful.

With easy to use drag and drop options for text, photos, buttons, google adsense and more, beautiful themes, tech support, and stellar analytics, I was able to monetize very quickly. I also know several friends who have built incredibly successful websites with Weebly and make an unthinkable amount of passive income from their websites.

Weebly has just added a cool new “App Center” which is basically an app store for features you can add to your website. With one click, you can do everything from improve your SEO, integrate an online scheduling system, convert your website traffic into leads, create social feeds, offer live chat on your site, create discounted shipping labels, and more! Anything you can imagine, you can make happen on your website. The apps range from free to $120.

I challenge you to dedicate 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week, to making the site you’ve always dreamed of, about whatever you are most passionate about – whether it’s traveling, the environment, fashion, food, programming or music. It’s a new year and anything is possible! Live the life you’ve imagined. 🙂

What are you waiting for? Check out the new Weebly App Center! Weebly App Center

Full disclosure: the posted link is an affiliate link and I will make a tiny portion of the profit if you decide to use their service (like a few cents per person who signs up). Having used WordPress, Drupal and Weebly, I truly love Weebly the most because of the ease of setting up the website and all the resources provided, and would recommend them even if there wasn’t an affiliate program!

Booked a role in a pilot!

Excited to announce that I booked a role in a pilot that’s a China/US co-production! Can’t reveal any details until it’s sold, but I am very excited to be a part of it!!
Here’s a photo of me and my makeup artist after the shoot (and in plainclothes :P)

In other news, my part in ABC Family’s Switched At Birth aired on the season 4 finale Always Searching for Beauty this past October! Catch me at the end of the episode!

switched at birth

Fun lifestyle shoot with my roommate!

As the leaves turn from green to gold, and the children grow from young to old, I too see changes unfold… in my hair! Just got a new haircut and am super excited to share these pictures that were snapped yesterday by my roommate!

I'm going to Disneyland!

I’m going to Disneyland!

Someone stole my gel pens.

Someone stole my gel pens.

I don't belong.

I’m lost without them.

Going to solve this crime before bedtime.

Going to solve this crime before bedtime.

Contact me for all your photoshop needs.

Contact me for all your photoshop needs.

I've got a juicy secret.

I’ve got a juicy secret.

I just sold a house! WHUDDUP.

I just sold a house! WHUDDUP.

My kid got into Harvard Westlake and yours didn't! Reppin' that smug lyfe

My kid got into Harvard Westlake and yours didn’t! Reppin’ that smug lyfe

Your parents love me.

All the parents love me.

Frump, frump. Frumpity frump.

Frump, frump. Frumpity frump.

Less frump, more sass.

Less frump, more sass.

As I progress in my acting career, I have found that I most often play the following roles:
Asian mom
Cheery high school student
Quirky, nerdy best friend
Trustworthy office assistant
Cute girl next door/unlikely love interest

We tried to take shots that reflect those roles. What do you think of the headshots? Do they reflect those archetypes?

thought patterns

They determine the path of your life.

I am incredibly grateful to have had the chance to co-star on ABC Family’s Switched At Birth. I am grateful to all the people who’ve helped me get to this point, including my roommates, my teachers, my agent, manager, friends and casting directors, and also to God for putting me these people in my life and giving me this opportunity. This is a small first step towards realizing my dream of becoming a series regular on a successful network TV show!

I was struck by how kind everyone on set was. Katie Leclerc, who plays Daphne Vasquez, is quite possibly the nicest actress I’ve ever met. I had so much fun laughing and joking around with her and my other cast mates in between takes up until the second the director yelled, “Action!” I thought it was so cool that Katie hung out with us when the crew was setting up for the other shots and made the effort to get to know us, even though my fellow cast mates and I were just co-stars. What an amazing cast and crew with such positive energy – there was so much joy the whole day!

I play a mother (for the 4th time in my life… is this my niche? :P) on the season 4 finale of Switched At Birth. But… my part only airs if the show gets picked up for another season, so please watch the show on TV or on the ABC Family website within 3 days after air date and tell all your friends! Thank you friends for your support!


My own trailer!


The nicest actresses you’ll ever meet – Vanessa Marano and Katie Leclerc, who play Bay Kennish and Daphne Vasquez, respectively.


Hanging out with script supervisor Linda Leifer in video village.


My adorable son!


Can you guess where we are? 😉

Pushed to the limit

A few months ago I got to be part of an AFI film about a lonely girl who finds friendship in the most unlikely of places… only to lose it again. It was wonderful working with such a professional crew and learning to express my pain and anger on cue.






On that note, my acting teacher Robert D’Vanzo has really been pushing me by giving me roles I’ve never played before. Last week, I did a scene from The Break Up with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn, where I play an extremely fed up wife who explodes on her husband. I had to really give it to him, and yell and challenge from my gut. This was difficult for me, given that I usually play the goofy flirt or bubbly best friend. The other scene I performed was from a one act play called The Gift Box, which is about two sisters who have a longstanding resentment between each other. I played the eldest sister, pregnant at 8 months, marrying a man who I didn’t love for so that I could feel secure and save face. The little sister oddly resembled someone close in my life – she never had money and was always asking me for it, while accusing me of never working a day in my life and just using men to get by. It was really wonderful to be so connected to my scene partner. We navigated the stormy waters of our relationship with fake smiles and fronts and little innuendos that exploded into word pistols meant to kill. It was the first time that my teacher actually gave me praise during class and I was voted most improved and best actor 🙂

Now to harness that for every class! I found that working on personalization, prior history, and transferring that onto my scene partner really helped.

Acting is so much more than merely performing and putting on a show – it’s about being connected to your character, to the other characters, understanding the human condition and living it. It’s really the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to try (besides scuba diving!).

Speaking of scuba diving, my friends and I got certified this past weekend! I think it’s important to do one thing that scares you every month-ish, and its important to live life and expand your horizons. I tend to scold myself whenever I’m not working, but as I’ve grown older I’ve found that life is best lived with balance. While acting and my career are of tantamount importance to me, so are new experiences, my family and friends.

Anyway, going back to the topic of scuba diving, it was probably one of the scariest things I’ve ever tried. When I first started, I couldn’t get over the fact that I was breathing underwater. It not only felt foreign, it felt wrong. At one point, during the regulator retrieval skill test, I panicked and tried to race to the top because I couldn’t find my regulator. Thankfully, my instructor was a baus and gave me his regulator until I calmed down. After a lot of encouragement and reassurance, I was able to breath normally and slowly again.

Whether you succeed or fail in life is very much dependent on your attitude. When I chose to believe that scuba was scary, I panicked and doubted myself and felt like I couldn’t breath. However, when I chose to focus on the beautiful fish around me, the cool looking crab, the beautiful nature around me, I forgot that I was even breathing underwater and started to really enjoy the experience. Of course, there were still difficult moments. When ascending and waiting for your turn to exit the stairs, one has to endure the violent tossing and turning of waves and nausea, but I found a trick for that too – stick your head down into the water until you absolutely have to come up.

What I’ve learned in the past few weeks is that deliberate practice is the most effective way to improve a skill. As defined in the book “Talent is Overrated” by Geoff Colvin, deliberate practice is practicing a skill that’s just outside your comfort zone but still within reach, until you master it, and repeating that process.

I challenge you to deliberately practice the thing you want to get better at!